You can view the directory by name, department, or location by selecting an option from the fly out menu on the Employee Directory card. If you click on the actual Employee Directory card rather than one of the links, the directory will be sorted by last name. Once you are viewing the directory you can sort users by many different pieces of information, just click the Sort button in the toolbar to drop down your list of options.
Directory By Name
Users are displayed in a table sorted alphabetically by last name. You will be able to compare multiple aspects of all users at once. You can choose which columns to display by clicking on the wrench icon in the left-most column header.
You can further sort your list of users by clicking on a column header. Clicking the column header once will sort users alphabetically by the info in that column. Clicking the column header a second time will sort users in reverse alphabetical order by the info in that column.
You can collapse a section by clicking on the minus sign button in the section header. You can expand the section again by clicking on the plus sign button that will take the place of the minus sign.
You can select a user by clicking anywhere in their row or in their checkbox. You can select multiple users by clicking their checkboxes. You can perform several actions with one or more selected users:
Open Item - This button will open the user’s info for you to edit. This button will only be enabled when one user is selected; you cannot open multiple users at once. A shortcut is to double click anywhere in the user’s row.
Remove Item - This button will give you a pop up that requires you to type in your name as a confirmation that you approve of the removal of the selected user(s). Users cannot be restored after they have been removed.
More Actions - This button drops down a menu with more options.
Download As CSV - The selected user(s) will be downloaded to your computer as a file with a .csv extension.
Message User - Send a private message to the selected user. If you have selected multiple users, a group message will be started.
Follow User’s Social Page - Following a user’s social page will ensure that you see activity by the user on your news feed. If you do not follow a user you will still see activity that they publish for your whole organization.
Deactivate User - All of this user’s data will remain on Align Us but the user will not be able to login. You can reactivate users individually through their Login Info card.
Reset Password - You have the option to generate a random password or to manually specify the new password. The password must be at least 8 characters and you must enter the password twice to verify it. We recommend that you email the user their new password to simplify their login process.
Reassign Subordinates - Enter the name of the user who will be the new person that the subordinates of the selected user report to. You have the option to clear who the selected user reports to, this will remove them from the org chart and place them in the Self-Managing Members box.
Directory By Department
Users are displayed in a table sorted alphabetically by department. If a user is not assigned to a department, they will be under the section ‘Department is empty’. You can assign a user to a department by editing that user’s personal information. Quickly do this by double clicking anywhere in the user’s row.
You can choose which columns to display by clicking on the wrench icon in the left-most column header. You can further sort your list of users by clicking on a column header. Clicking the column header once will sort users alphabetically by the info in that column. Clicking the column header a second time will sort users in reverse alphabetical order by the info in that column.
You can collapse a section by clicking on the minus sign button in the section header. You can expand the section again by clicking on the plus sign button that will take the place of the minus sign.
You can select a user by clicking anywhere in their row or in their checkbox. You can select multiple users by clicking their checkboxes. You will be able to perform all the same actions explained in Directory By Name.
Directory By Location
Users are displayed in a table sorted alphabetically by location. If a user is not assigned to a location, they will be under the section ‘Location is empty’. You can assign a user to a location by editing that user’s personal information. Quickly do this by double clicking anywhere in the user’s row.
You can choose which columns to display by clicking on the wrench icon in the left-most column header. You can further sort your list of users by clicking on a column header. Clicking the column header once will sort users alphabetically by the info in that column. Clicking the column header a second time will sort users in reverse alphabetical order by the info in that column.
You can collapse a section by clicking on the minus sign button in the section header. You can expand the section again by clicking on the plus sign button that will take the place of the minus sign.
You can select a user by clicking anywhere in their row or in their checkbox. You can select multiple users by clicking their checkboxes. You will be able to perform all the same actions explained in Directory By Name.