This guide will explain what user info will be important in other aspects of Align Us and how to update a user’s info.
Permissions Required: You must have the edit users permission granted. We recommend that only system administrators have access to this function.
Several sections of the user’s information will appear in different aspects of Align Us. Some sections will contain info that is displayed publicly on Align Us while some sections contain info that will only be displayed to system administrators.
Everything in the personal info section will be displayed in another part of Align Us.
Name - The first and last name are required fields, they were filled out when this user was created. You can change them as well as the user themself. The user’s full name will be used across Align Us to represent this user.
Email - This is a required field and was entered when this user was created. You can change it as well as the user themself. This must be a valid email address. This is where the user will receive communication from Align Us.
Work Phone - This is only for use within your organization. It will be displayed in other user lists.
Title - This should be the user’s position in the organization. Their title will be displayed in user lists and on the user’s profile page.
Reports To - This is a user within your organization that this user (the one you are editing) reports to, typically a manager or supervisor. As you type in the name you should be able to select the user from a list of suggestions. The org chart will be created by making this user a subordinate of the user they report to.
Department - The list of departments in the drop down comes from the departments that your organization has created. You can add or edit departments in Structure > Org Settings > Manage Departments. Users can be sorted based on their department, org charts can be displayed based on departments, and the user will be added to the department’s social intranet page.
Location - The list of locations in the drop down comes from the locations that your organization has created. You can add or edit locations in Structure > Org Settings > Manage Locations. Users can be sorted based on their location, org charts can be displayed based on locations, and the user will be added to the location’s social intranet page.
Everything in Addresses will be visible to other users in Align Us.
Type - The type of address listed below: work or home.
Address - One of the user’s addresses. Users can have multiple addresses on Align Us and they are visible to all other users.
Everything in Contact Info is visible to other users in Align Us.
Phone Numbers - A user can have multiple phone numbers, they will all be listed here and will be visible to all other users.
Primary Email Address - This is the user’s email address where all communications from Align Us will be sent.
Additional Email Addresses - A user can have multiple email addresses, they will all be listed here and will be visible to all other users.
Anyone that this user reports to will be able to see most of this user’s Employment Info. None of this data will be displayed publicly in other parts of Align Us. The info in this section will be used mostly for generating reports.
Employee ID - This is specific to your organization. Only system admins can see this data.
Network ID - This is specific to your organization. Only system admins can see this data.
Salary - This user’s salary. Only system admins and this user’s supervisor can see this.
Marital Status - This user’s marital status. Only system admins and this user’s supervisor can see this.
Citizenship Status - This user’s United States citizenship status. Only system admins and this user’s supervisor can see this.
Date Hired - The date this user was hired in your organization. Only system admins and this user’s supervisor can see this.
Date of Birth - This user’s birthday. Only system admins and this user’s supervisor can see this.
Gender - This user’s gender. Only system admins and this user’s supervisor can see this.
Education Level - The highest level of education completed by this user. Only system admins and this user’s supervisor can see this.
This is the most sensitive information in terms of users on Align Us. This is where you will be able to control a user’s ability to login to Align Us. Only system admins have access to this section.
Reset Password - There are two options. If you choose to generate a random password, you will not see the password so you must check the box to email the user their new password. If you choose to manually specify their new password, you have the ability to tell the user their new password so you may not need to email the user their new password. We recommend that you always check the box to email the user their new password.
Login as this User - This will temporarily log you in as this user. You can navigate Align Us as this user and see what their permission presets allow them to access. After clicking the Generate Link button, we recommend you copy and paste the link into an incognito window so that you are not logged out of your current session.
Account Status - Check the box to deactivate this user or to reactivate the user. Deactivating the user will prevent the user from being able to login to their account while keeping all of their information safe on Align Us. If you deactivate the user then there will be an available user license for you to add another user. Similarly, there must be an available user license for you to reactivate a user.
There are many different ways that you can view users in Align Us. This is the simplest view for editing users.
Click on the
Structure icon in the left menu.
Click on the Users and Teams card.
Click on the List All Users card.
Click on the user whose information you will edit.
All the info you will be able to edit will appear in the right pane. Click on each section header (ie Employment Info) to expand and collapse the card for editing.
Everything is automatically saved, but you can ensure that your changes are saved by clicking the saved icon and clicking Save or Save and Close.