Users and Teams

You can add and edit users and teams in your organization as well as view them in a variety of formats. You must have the view and/or edit users permissions granted. When you click on the Users and Teams card in the Structure Dashboard you will be given options for how you want to sort the users in your organization.

If you are a system administrator, you will be able to Add A User Or Team.

If you are only viewing users, your Initial Sort options are:

  1. List All Users

  2. List All Teams

  3. By Reports-To

  4. By Location

  5. By Department

After choosing how you want the users to be sorted, you can choose how you would like to view them. Your Different View options are: 

  1. List

  2. Cards

  3. Report

  4. Connections

Add A User Or Team  

Hovering your cursor over the + icon, or tapping the + icon on touchscreens, will expand two options: Add User and Add Team. Click on one to open a wizard that will guide you through the process of adding a user or team.

Add Users

Permissions required: We recommend that everyone has access to view all users. System administrators can create, edit, and delete all users as well as purchase additional user licenses.

The first 10 users, including yourself, are free. For every additional user you must purchase a user license. At the beginning of the wizard you will see a message indicating whether you have enough available user licenses. If you need to purchase more, you can do so in Structure > Org Settings > Purchase User Licenses.

A step in the Add User wizard:

The Add User wizard will guide you through the steps of entering a user’s name, email, and permission presets to be applied to the user. You will have the option to email the user their login information. We highly recommend this option because you will not see the new user’s initial password.

A step in the Add User wizard:

Upload Users

You can upload a spreadsheet of users rather than adding them individually. The first line of your document must be the column headers: First Name, Last Name, Email, Password. The document must have a .csv extension.

A step in the Add User wizard:

Add Team

Permissions required: We recommend that everyone has access to create and edit the teams they create. System administrators can edit and delete all teams, regardless of who created the team.


The Add Team wizard will guide you through the steps of creating a team. Essentially, naming the team. When a team is created a social intranet page is created. Members of the team can easily communicate via the team’s page or see their team’s hierarchy structure in the connections view of the team.

A step in the Add Team wizard:


Upload Teams

You can upload a list of teams rather than adding them individually. The first line of your document must be the column header: Name. The file must have a .csv extension.

Initial Sorts

Each card in Users and Teams represents a set of users. You can view all users or all teams easily. You can also view all the users who report to a certain user, all the users at one location, or all the users in one department. Here is an explanation of each card and what you’ll find when you click on one:

1.List All Users

This is where you will be able to see all users’ information.

The default view is a list of users sorted in alphabetical order by first name. You can choose other ways to sort this list by clicking Sort in the toolbar.

Permissions required: We recommend that everyone has access to view all users. System administrators can create, edit, and delete all users.

There are several aspects of the user that can be edited:

  • Personal Information

    • Name - The first and last name are required fields, they were filled out when this user was created. The user’s full name will be used across Align Us to represent this user.

    • Email - This is a required field and was entered when this user was created. This must be a valid email address. This is where the user will receive their login info, reset password info, and any other info that they will receive from Align Us.

    • Work Phone - This is only for use within your organization. It will be displayed in other user lists.

    • Title - This should be the user’s position in the organization. Their title will be displayed in user lists and on the user’s profile page.

    • Reports To - This is a user within your organization that this user (the one you are editing) reports to, typically a manager or supervisor. As you type in the name you should be able to select the user from a dropdown list of suggestions. This will help create the org chart by connecting this user to the user they report to.

    • Department - The list of departments in the drop down comes from the departments that your organization has created. You can add or edit departments in Structure > Manage Org Settings > Manage Departments. Users can be sorted based on their department and the user will be added to the department’s social intranet page.

    • Location -  The list of locations in the drop down comes from the locations that your organization has created. You can add or edit locations in Structure > Manage Org Settings > Manage Locations. Users can be sorted based on their location and the user will be added to the location’s social intranet page.

  • Login Info

    • Reset Password - There are two options. If you choose to generate a random password, you will not see the new password so you must check the box to email the user their new password. If you choose to manually specify their new password, you have the ability to tell the user their new password so you may not need to email the user their new password. We recommend that you always check the box to email the user their new password.

    • Login as this User - This will temporarily log you in as this user. You can navigate Align Us as this user and see what their permission presets allow them to access. After clicking the Generate Link button, we recommend you copy and paste the link into an incognito window so that you are not logged out of your current session.

    • Account Status - A checked box indicates this user is active. You can click the checkbox to uncheck it and deactivate this user. Deactivating the user will prevent them from being able to login to their account while keeping all of their information safe on Align Us. If you deactivate the user then there will be an available user license for you to add another user. Similarly, there must be an available user license for you to reactivate a user.

  • Addresses

    • Add Address - You can have multiple addresses, click the button to add an address.

    • Type -  You can choose from options Work or Home. You can also type your own category into this field.

    • Address Line 1 - The street address.

    • Address Line 2 - The unit or suite number.

    • City - The city this address is located in.

    • State - Choose the state this city is in from the dropdown (USA only).

    • Zip Code - The 5 digit zip code.

    • Remove Address - Clicking on the small X in the top right of your address form will remove that address.

  • Contact Info

    • Phone Numbers - You can have multiple phone numbers, click the Add Phone button to add another phone number.

    • Primary Email Address - This is the email address where all communications from Align Us will be sent.

    • Additional Email Addresses - You can have multiple email addresses, click the Add Email button to add another email.

  • Employment Info

    • Employee ID - This is specific to your organization. If your organization has employee id numbers, this is where they go.

    • Network ID - This is specific to your organization. If your organization has network id numbers, this is where they go.

    • Salary - This user’s salary. This will only be displayed to users who this user (the one you’re editing) reports to or system administrators. While this user’s manager can view their salary, they cannot edit it.

    • Marital Status - This user’s marital status. Are they married or single? If you prefer not to answer, click the blank space at the top of the dropdown.

    • Citizenship Status - This user’s United States citizenship status. Are they a citizen, non-citizen national, permanent resident, or a non-resident alien? If you prefer not to answer, click the blank space at the top of the dropdown.

    • Date Hired - The date this user was hired in your organization. Click the arrow to drop down the the calendar then click the date in the calendar. You can also click directly in the text box and type the date.

    • Date of Birth - This user’s birthday. Click the arrow to drop down the the calendar then click the date in the calendar. You can also click directly in the text box and type the date.

    • Gender - This user’s gender. Are they male or female? If you prefer not to answer, click the blank space at the top of the dropdown.

    • Education Level - The highest level of education completed by this user. Do they have a high school diploma, GED, two-year degree, four-year degree, graduate level degree, or doctoral degree? If you prefer not to answer, click the blank space at the top of the dropdown.

  • Permission Presets

    • This is a list of existing permission presets to assign to the user. The presets Standard and Super come with Align Us, the rest are created by your organization. You can choose more than one preset to apply to the user. If there is a conflict of permissions across presets, a permission denied will override a permission granted.

      • Standard Permission Preset - This preset is recommended for regular users. They are not allowed to edit the organization’s or other user’s information. They will be allowed to view users’ contact info and addresses as well as create teams.

      • Super Permission Preset - This preset is recommended for system administrators. They will have access to every function of Align Us. This includes editing the organization and users’ info, creating and editing permission preset, and purchasing user licenses.

  • Custom Permissions - setting these permissions will override the permission presets assigned to the user wherever there is a conflict of permission. For example, the Standard Permission Preset denies users the ability to purchase user licenses. By granting this user permission to purchase user licenses inside their custom permissions they will have the ability to purchase user licenses even if they are assigned the Standard permission preset.

    • System Administrator - This user has access to 100% of Align Us, at least one user must have this permission.

    • User List Permissions

      • User is an organization administrator and can create, edit, and delete users in this organization.

      • User can view and search for other users in sections such as the directory.

      • User can view employment info (salary, hire dates, etc) for all users who report to them or a subordinate.

    • Organization Permissions

      • Can edit organization’s profile and settings.

      • Can purchase additional user licenses.

    • Department Permissions

      • Can create, edit, delete departments. This does not include moving users between departments.

    • Locations Permissions

      • Can create, edit, delete locations/offices. This does not include moving users between locations.

    • Teams Permissions

      • Can view all teams and their members.

      • Can create a team. This includes editing and deleting that team.

      • Can edit any team, regardless of who created it.

      • Can delete any team, regardless of who created it.

    • Page Permissions

      • Can create pages on the social intranet.

      • Can delete any page on the social intranet.

      • Can edit any page on the social intranet.

    • Post Permissions

      • Can create posts on social pages.

      • Can edit any post on a social page.

      • Can delete any post on a social page.

    • File Permissions

      • Can create files.

      • Can edit any file.

      • Can delete any file.

2.List All Teams

This is where you will be able to see all teams’ information.

The default view is a list of teams sorted in alphabetical order by name. You can choose other ways to sort this list by clicking Sort in the toolbar.

Permissions required: We recommend that everyone has access to create and edit the teams they create. System administrators can edit and delete all teams, regardless of who created the team.

There are several aspects of teams that can be edited:

  • Team Info

    • Team Name - The name of the team is a required field that was entered when the team was created. It can be changed by the team owner or by system administrators.

    • Team Owner - This is the user who created the team and is a required field. It can be changed by the team owner themself or by a system administrator. This user can edit the team members and the social intranet page.

  • Team Members

    • Add Member - When you click this button a team member will be created in your team. You can give this member any position, title, or role you like and optionally assign a user to the team member. When a user is assigned to a team member position, that user is added to the team’s social intranet page. You do not have to assign users to team members, you can simply use the team member’s title to help you organize and plan your team.

    • Remove Member - First click the card of the team member you wish to remove, then click the Remove Member button. A new button, Confirm Removal of Member, will appear next to the Remove Member button. Click Confirm Removal of Member to actually remove the member from your team. If a user is assigned to that position, the user will be removed from the team’s social intranet page.

    • Self-Managing Members - Team members who appear in the Self-Managing Members box have not been assigned a team member to report to. You can create an org chart with your team members by dragging them out of the Self-Managing box and into the space. Drag team members on top of other team members to create your team’s org chart. You can drag team members back into the Self-Managing box at any time.

    • Show Full Screen - Clicking the box in the top right of the Team Members card will expand the org chart to full screen for easier editing.

  • Social Intranet Page

    • Page Editors - Multiple users can be assigned as page editors for this team’s social intranet page. These users will be able add and remove team members and edit the team’s info on the social intranet page. They will not be able to add or remove other page editors.

    • Team Image - This image will be used across Align Us to represent this team.

    • Go To Page - This link will take you to the team’s social intranet page. If you are the team owner or a page editor you will be able to edit the team’s page from this view.

3.By Reports To


This will take you to a list of users who have other users reporting to them. Choose a user whose subordinates you would like to view.

The default view is an org chart of subordinates and your selected user. You can choose other ways to view this list by clicking one of the view icons in the top right corner.

You will have all the same options for editing and viewing these users as you do when you choose the List All Users card.

Permissions required: We recommend that everyone has access to view all users. System administrators can create, edit, and delete all users.


You can edit who a user reports to in two different ways. From Connections view, drag and drop one user on top of another. Or from List view, enter a name in the Reports To field which is in the user’s personal information card.

4.By Location

This will take you to a list of your organization’s locations. Choose a location whose users you would like to view.

The default view is a list of users in your selected location sorted in alphabetical order by first name. You can choose other ways to sort this list by clicking Sort in the toolbar.

You will have all the same options for editing and viewing these users as you do when you choose the List All Users card.

Permissions required: We recommend that everyone has access to view all users. System administrators can create, edit, and delete all users.

You can add or edit your organization’s locations in Structure > Org Settings > Manage Locations.


5.By Department

This will take you to a list of your organization’s departments. Choose a department whose users you would like to view.

The default view is a list of users in your selected department sorted in alphabetical order by first name. You can choose other ways to sort this list by clicking Sort in the toolbar.

You will have all the same options for editing and viewing these users as you do when you choose the List All Users card.

Permissions required: We recommend that everyone has access to view all users. System administrators can create, edit, and delete all users.

You can add or edit your organization’s departments in Structure > Org Settings > Manage Departments.

Different Views

You can change the view of any list of users by clicking on the View icons in the toolbar.



The default view. Users are first sorted according to your choice, then listed alphabetically. Users appear in the left pane and their information will appear in the right pane when you click on them. When you click the checkbox next to a user you will have the following options:

  • Open Item - This button will open the user’s info for you to edit the same way it would if you click on the user without clicking the checkbox.

  • Remove Item - This button will give you a pop up that requires you to type in your name as a confirmation that you approve of the removal of the selected user(s). Users cannot be restored after they have been removed.

  • More Actions - This button drops down a menu with more options.

    • Download As CSV - The selected user(s) will be downloaded to your computer as a file with a .csv extension.

    • Message User - Send a private message to the selected user. If you have selected multiple users, a group message will be started.

    • Follow User’s Social Page - Following a user’s social page will ensure that you see activity by the user on your news feed. If you do not follow a user you will still receive activity that they publish for your whole organization.

    • Deactivate User - All of this user’s data will remain on Align Us but the user will not be able to login. You can reactivate users individually through their Login Info card.

    • Reset Password - You have the option to generate a random password or to manually specify the new password. The password must be at least 8 characters and you must enter the password twice to verify it. We recommend that you email the user their new password to simplify their login process.

    • Reassign Subordinates - Enter the name of the user who will be the new person that the subordinates of the selected user report to. You have the option to clear who the selected user reports to, this will remove them from the org chart and place them in the Self-Managing box.


Users are displayed as cards first sorted according to your choice, then in alphabetical order. The cards have buttons that will allow you to perform social actions with users, like following and messaging them. When you click on a card you have selected a user; you are able to select multiple users by clicking on multiple cards. Deselect a single user by clicking on their card again or deselect all users by clicking in the background. When one or more users are selected you will have the same options as explained in List view.


Users are displayed in a table first sorted according to your choice, then alphabetically. You will be able to compare multiple aspects of all users at once. You can choose which columns to display by clicking on the wrench icon in the left-most column header. You can sort your list of users alphabetically or in reverse by clicking on a column header. You can collapse a section by clicking on the minus sign button in the group header. You can expand the section again by clicking on the plus sign button in the group header. You can select a user by clicking anywhere in their row or in their checkbox. You will have the same options as explained in List view.



Users are displayed in an org chart. This org chart is created based on the Reports To field in a user’s personal info. It can be rearranged by dragging and dropping users on top of each other, this will automatically update their Reports To field.

The Self-Managing Members box contains users that have not been assigned a user to report to. You can drag and drop users out of the box to their appropriate place in the org chart. Dropping a user in blank space around the org chart will place the user in the org chart without connecting them to anyone currently in the org chart. Drop a user in the Self-Managing box to remove them from the org chart. Users with subordinates cannot be moved to the Self-Managing box until their subordinates are assigned to someone else or moved to Self-Managing.

You can pan your view of the org chart by dragging and dropping in the background as well as zoom in and out of the org chart by scrolling with your mouse.